“Highwire Act” Wide-eyed shadows tainted with bloodlust, whispered and watched us sail through the void; whimsical puppets in spotlights flying from strings above. Ringmasters and clowns watched from the ground amidst pissed bulls on parade as our ropes...
“Air-Raid Kids” At my desk staring out of a top floor window, I watched bombers pimpin’ like Cadillacs on the ave, cruisin’ through a late fall afternoon between screamin’ fighter jets spiralin’ angry gang signs in precision war...
“Keys to the Moon” I opened an email today, a part of my past with a few photos that shined, a first of its kind, memories on ice thawed as her cocoa brown eyes tuned my heart into songs I hadn’t heard since Ferris Buehler’s Day Off, Mandela...
One afternoon while Karl and I were hanging out in his backyard talking about nothing in particular, Luther quietly walked up to the grill and glared at us. His glossy brown eyes, Marlon Brando demeanor and low stocky stature gave him a lovable, almost commanding...